3 Tips for Maintaining Your Building’s Fire Sprinklers
2/14/2018 (Permalink)
In the event a fire breaks out in your building, you will be thankful if you have a fire sprinkler in place to suppress the flames. A good system can significantly reduce the amount of damage your property in Slidell, LA, experiences. The last thing you want is for this fire suppression system to fail on you when you need it most. That requires you to schedule routine maintenance to keep everything in excellent working condition.
1. Hire a Professional to Inspect Everything
Part of regular maintenance should involve having someone come out to look at the sprinkler valves and head. One thing the expert will look at is whether the valve is in the closed position. In this manner, the sprinkler will not work as it should, and poses more of a hazard than a benefit. You may not know what to look for, which is why it is preferable to have a professional inspect your fire sprinkler.
2. Maintain Inspection Records
You are not done even if a professional tells you your building’s sprinklers are in good working condition. You should maintain records of the last time someone came out and when someone needs to come out again. These records are extra helpful because you will be able to show you reduced liability by keeping up with the latest sprinkler standards.
3. Utilize Visual Communication
It is paramount for your sprinklers to remain unobstructed at all times. You can accomplish this by using visual cues to let employees know where they are located. Without knowing where sprinklers are, someone may inadvertently stack boxes or other supplies in a way that would prevent them from suppressing a fire in the event of an emergency.
You can worry about the fire sprinkler cleanup after the fact. For now, you just need to make sure you will benefit from your fire sprinkler in case flames ever enter your building.