What Goes Into a Toilet Replacement?
3/23/2018 (Permalink)
Oftentimes, a leaking toilet or other water-related issue can occur when you least expect it. It is easy for these minor problems to result in major headaches. Many Slidel, LA, homeowners are aware that such issues can be common, yet they can become overwhelmed at the steps involved in repairing the faulty system. The three pointers below help clarify the main steps professionals take during a toilet repair.
1. Leaky Systems
An old home can be especially vulnerable, mainly because it likely has an old toilet. Even if your home is relatively new, a pesky water problem can occur with any system. Usually, homeowners can spot leaks by tightening the bolts of the toilet; when this approach doesn't prove successful, the next step might be removing the toilet altogether.
2. Simple Steps
Of course, discovering that you need to replace a toilet is likely not the most exciting part of your agenda, but professionals generally complete replacements in a few steps. First, they go to the shutoff valve to cut off water. After removing the lid, it is important that as much water drains from the leaking toilet as possible. Professionals then disconnect the water supply tube and remove bolts that fasten the toilet to the floor.
3. Trusty Toilets
Once professionals remove the faulty toilet altogether, they can begin installing the new system. They may need to apply a pipe-joint compound to the fittings before getting the new toilet in place. After setting the toilet down on a wax gasket, the toilet can be refastened to the floor. Lastly, professionals may check to ensure the toilet is aligned with the wall of the bathroom.
Whether your Slidel, LA, home has been loved for decades or is fresh off the market, a leaking toilet can become quite the nuisance. By updating your knowledge on the steps involved in a toilet replacement, you can have peace of mind that the problem gets addressed quickly and effectively.
Visit us at http://www.SERVPROslidell.com for more information.