3 Safety Tips for First Responders at a Flood Site
4/18/2018 (Permalink)
Flooding in Slidell, LA, can endanger the lives of many people. However, as a first responder, you have the ability and opportunity to help them escape their flooded homes and cars and get them to safety. This can make you a vital part of any flood rescue team. However, it is also important to keep yourself safe, and there are a few safety tips you may want to keep in mind as you work a flood site.
1. Be Aware of Water Strength
Flood waters can be extremely deceptive. Even if they do not appear fast moving, deeper waters may have a swift undertow. It only takes a few inches of water to knock you off your feet, and once floods gain momentum, they have the power to sweep you away with them. Approach flooded areas carefully and do not underestimate the strength flood waters can possess.
2. Protect Yourself Against Bacteria
Floodwaters may contain a variety of pathogens that can make you ill, so it is important that you protect yourself as you perform flood response. If you must make contact with flood waters, wear protective gear, including a face mask, and avoid touching the water with your bare hands. If safety conditions allow, let a storm damage and water cleanup company mitigate the worst of the flooding to give you and your team a safe place to park your vehicles and help the injured.
3. Get Immunized
Receiving immunizations before becoming a first responder is one of the most effective ways to keep yourself safe. Diseases such as tetanus and hepatitis B can be possible threats at a flood site because of the debris and contaminants the water might carry. Immunizations can defend you against such dangerous illnesses and help you feel more confident as you work flood sites.
Being a first responder to flooding in Slidell, LA, can mean a great deal to the residents who need medical attention during and after the disaster. Knowing how to stay safe at a flood site can keep you present and focused so you can provide people with as much help as they need.
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