Commercial Generator Basics
7/19/2018 (Permalink)
Many business owners and employees have experienced it or know of someone who has: that sickening silence quickly followed by primal panic when the power suddenly goes out. Sometimes this is simply a minor inconvenience as your utility company quickly restores your business’s electricity and power; however, getting power back quickly is often not the case for many people, especially those living in more rural areas. This is why commercial generators are a necessity for so many businesses. Generator sizes and run times vary greatly, so here are some of the basics of how they operate and common problems that arise with them.
Fuel Types
Here are the primary fuel types for commercial generators:
• Natural gas – The most common fuel type. It is provided by the fuel company and does not require a tank.
• Diesel – Often in the form of “24-hour” fuel tanks
• Liquid propane (LP)
Functional Basics
In its most basic form, a generator consists of a magnetic field and a copper conductor. Working on the principle of electromagnetic induction, it basically transfers and converts mechanical energy from the generator’s combustion engine into electrical energy via the copper conductor. It does not actually “create” energy; instead, it functions similarly to a water pump in that it channels and directs the electricity. The engine operates very similarly to common combustion engines powered by common fuel types.
Troubleshooting a Generator
Like any other piece of machinery, problems can and do occur, though many issues are minor and can be minimized with a regular maintenance schedule. Here are some of the most common generator problems in Slidell, LA:
• High-fuel-level alarm
• Out of fuel
• Coolant, oil, or fuel leaks
• Low-coolant-temperature alarms
• Block heater
• Low-coolant-level alarm/Shutdown
Generator benefits can provide a great sense of security and peace of mind by keeping your business operating during emergencies and for any other reason. Knowing the basics can help keep the electricity flowing.