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Fire & Water - Cleanup & Restoration

Exploring Commercial Water Restoration Companies in Slidell

3/20/2022 (Permalink)

Toilet overflows will certainly keep people away from your business location. Call SERVPRO - 365 days a year - to assess and remediate the damage.

SERVPRO Can Provide Water Cleanup Inside Your Slidell Business

One of the worst things that can ever happen to your office is a sewer backup. Temperatures dropping at night can often cause your sewer lines to freeze. Then, as soon as someone arrives at your office first thing in the morning to go to work, a simple toilet flush could cause a catastrophe.

Commercial water restoration companies in Slidell like SERVPRO have vast experience in handling problems with sewage backups. Several things can cause your sewer lines to get clogged, including freezes and debris building up inside the lines. If there is a blockage anywhere in the pipes, anytime someone in your office complex uses a sink or a toilet, the water can back up and flood your building with the sewage water. And, if the blockage is far away in the lines from your sink or toilet, the plunger method may not work. In some situations, a plumber could have to be called in to find and remove the ice or debris that is constricting your sewage water flow. 

Before a plumber arrives and fixes your clogged sewer pipes, our SERVPRO technicians can shut off your water and put signs up on your sinks and toilets so your employees know not to use them. We can then start assessing the situation and formulating a plan of attack. Since the source of the water leak is a sewage drain, we categorize the project as a category three damage scenario since harmful bacteria, viruses, and parasites most likely contaminate the moisture. 

Services offered for category three/black water restorations

  • Structural Decontamination
  • Decontaminating Contents
  • Water Damage Debris Removal
  • Water Extraction Services
  • Setting Up Air Scrubbers 
  • Installing Containment Chambers

If you walk into work one morning and the toilet backs up when one of your employees flushes it, call SERVPRO of Slidell at (985) 649-1516.

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